Court Grapples with Anti-SLAPP Legislation

New legislation intended to curb Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) was recently put to the test in a decision on a motion allowing a developer to continue its breach of contract case following an

5 Essential Websites for Every Young Lawyer Litigator

Having practised litigation for several years, I have come to realize that there are several websites which are essential to any litigators practice. These are the websites which I wish someone had told me about

Ontario re-introduces anti-SLAPP legislation

On December 1, 2014, Ontario once again tabled legislation targeting litigation brought for the purpose of stifling debate on matters of public interest, known as Strategic Litigation against Public Participation (“SLAPP”). A SLAPP lawsuit typically

Caledon ats Crocker Motion

In a recent unreported decision won by Robert Richler of Davies Howe Partners LLP, the Small Claims Court re-affirmed the law regarding addition and substitution of parties in Small Claims Court proceedings, and awarded significant