Most Bill 108 Changes to Planning Act and LPAT Act, 2017 Now in Effect

Most amendments to the Planning Act and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017 (“LPAT Act”) made under Bill 108 came into force on September 3rd, 2019. For a summary of changes made under Bill 108, please visit our 2019 Planning Reform page here.

The remaining amendments to the Planning Act, which include changes to community benefits under s. 37, Ontario Heritage Act, and Development Charges Act, 1997 have yet to come into force.

Reg 174/16, the transition regulation for the Planning Act, includes important new deadlines for the transition of appeal rights and the filing of appeals. The transition amending regulation 296/19 can be found here, while a consolidated redline version of O.Reg. 174/16 can be found here. A summary of the changes can be found here

The transition regulation for the LPAT Act includes infhttps://hereormation pertaining to the continuation of existing appeals under the revised hearing process under Bill 108. A summary of the transition regulation can be found here. The transition regulation 303/19 can be found here.