Province Opens Commenting on Proposed New Provincial Policy Statement
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark, announced that the Province is opening consultation on a new version of the Provincial Policy Statement. The announcement comes shortly after Bill 108, The More Homes, More Choice Act, received Royal Assent and before its Regulations have been filed.
The Province is seeking feedback on its proposed policies, which are outlined here. The wording of the proposed Provincial Policy Statement can be found here. The policy changes are intended to:
- Encourage the development of an increased mix and supply of housing, for example, by extending the planning horizon from 20 to 25 years (s. 1.1.2) and permitting the adjustment of settlement area boundaries outside of a municipal comprehensive review where certain criteria contained in s. are met;
- Protect the environment and public safety, which includes, promoting the on-site local reuse of excess soil (3.2.3) and continuing to direct development away from natural and human-made hazards;
- Reduce barriers and costs for development and provide greater predictability, by among other things, requiring municipalities to fast track priority applications that support housing and job-related growth (s. 4.7);
- Support rural, northern and Indigenous communities, for example by including language in the nature of clarification around private communal sewage and water services (, and introducing new language recognizing the unique role that Indigenous communities have in land use planning (Part IV); and,
- Supporting the economy and job creation, for example by requiring planning authorities to identify strategic sites for investment and address potential barriers to investment (s. 1.3.1(c)) while introducing new language designed to strengthen the separation of sensitive and industrial uses (
For now, consultation appears to be limited to the submission of written comments. Written comments can be sent in: via e-mail, through the Environmental Registry or by regular mail. Comments are being received until October 21, 2019.
Davies Howe has prepared this Unofficial Comparison of the changes between the PPS, 2014 and the proposed New Provincial Policy Statement to be used for educational purposes only. The Unofficial Comparison should not be relied upon for legal purposes.